Making exercise a habit can be tricky. Life is hectic, and busy schedules, injuries, or a simple mental block can keep even the best of us from getting started or sticking with working out.
The best tip on how to exercise more is to create a realistic fitness schedule. When you jump into a fitness schedule that is too frequent, vigorous, or isn't catered to your individual interests, it's a lot harder to stick to it. Second, set realistic goals. When you start to see results, sticking with any exercise plan gets a whole lot easier. Third, don't confine yourself to the gym if you don't want. There are plenty of places to get active that don't require a monthly membership. Take a run in the park, grab some free weights at home, or throw on a YouTube workout video for some gym-free options. Finally, grab a buddy. Exercising is a whole lot more fun when you have someone by your side to keep you motivated.
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