Dietary management of high cholesterol is a little different than was once thought, but some things remain the same. It used to be thought that dietary cholesterol had a big impact on your blood cholesterol, so it was recommended to limit your intake of cholesterol. This has changed with newer research.
However, something that still remains the same in cholesterol management is your intake of certain types of fat. Limiting saturated and trans fat intake, which are going to be found mostly in high fat animal products (high fat dairy, fatty meats), solid fats like lard, and processed/packaged dessert type foods (cookies, cake, ice cream, pastries, some "junk food" snacks), is beneficial for managing cholesterol.
On the other hand, you want to include healthy fat sources in your diet, which are the unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are found it nuts and seeds, plant oils, seafood, avocados, flax and chia seeds, hummus, etc.
One other thing about keeping your cholesterol at a healthy level is to maintain a healthy weight.
If you have high cholesterol, work with your doctor on a plan to help reduce it in a healthy and sustainable way.
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