You should not experience any bloating with your personalized protein powder, assuming you are not sensitive to any of the ingredients in your blend.
If you experience bloating, you likely have an intolerance toward a specific ingredient. Oftentimes, lactose intolerance is the culprit. Thankfully, we can exclude ingredients that causes you discomfort – you'll just have to indicate your dietary restrictions in your quiz or by emailing us at
Another potential reason for bloating is eating too much protein in general. It's a good idea to include a protein food with your meals and snacks, but if you are eating too many grams of protein daily, it could cause bloating or other digestive issues. Eating a large portion of protein several times a day, for example, could possibly be too much. Other foods can also cause bloating as well in certain individuals, such as high fiber or high fat foods, or certain vegetables. Also, if you drink too much or not enough liquid, that can also cause some bloating. Balance is key!
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